TermX Replenishment System

Protect your client's most valued assets with the most technologically advanced replenishment system which was designed by professional pest managers, for pest managers.
TermX is a simple system that simply works and was developed as a convenient, safe, effective, and environmentally friendly method of delivering termiticides to the full under-slab of new buildings, or as a perimeter barrier on existing buildings, providing maximum protection against subterranean termite attack.
TermX is a flexible PVC chemical host for medium to high pressure applications. It is specially manufactured with a chemical resistant inner core. The red smooth outer cover allows easy installation around the toughest surfaces. Patented fibre matting provides structural integrity between the inner and outer layers of pipe.
The hose is clearly marked with 'TermX' and is red in colour to make identification easy by other trades.
The simple components that make up the TermX system are:
Chemical registered pipe
Hose fittings
Marine grade clamps
PVC stop ends and joiners
Ball valve filler connector
Junction box
Air injection kit (optional)
The TermX kit comes in the following configurations:
10m - fully assembled
50m - kit form
The TermX Replenishment System has been designed to suit the harshest conditions and termite pressure. It has been extensively tested to offer long-term termite management and prevention.
The TermX Replenishment System is a specially designed pipe system that, once buried under ground either around the perimeter of a structure, or under a slab prior to construction, is used to apply termiticide chemical under pressure to saturate the soil medium surrounding that structure. This creates an impenetrable barrier (if repellent termitcides are used) or a death-trap for unsuspecting foraging termites (in the case of non-repellent termiticide chemicals) that move through treated soil.
TermX is a specially engineered system designed to deliver chemical termite treatments as a preventative measure for these pests. A certified TermX installer lays a series of replenishment system pipes around or underneath a structure. At a later stage, chemical is pumped through the pipes to create a barrier of protection. As a certified TermX installer you should make recommendations to your customer on how often the system needs to be charged with chemical - this is dependant on the type of chemical used and the termite pressure in that area. Once installed the system allows for quick application of treatment to protect your clients' most valued assets.
Foaming through TermX a world first
Using a Patented air injection kit (optional), pest managers are able to apply air from a compressor with a termiticide / foaming agent and you've got instant foam through the TermX system. TermX Replenishment System creates foam which rapidly builds upon itself and expands to fill all voids and cavities. The TermX Replenishment System delivers unsurpassed protection for your clients.
The TermX Replenishment System delivers the following outstanding Features and Benefits:
TermX has been designed as a simple system to deliver maximum results. It comprises minimal components to eliminate the chances of product failure under use.
The TermX Replenishment System can be used to protect existing dwellings, new constructions, or any structure under threat from termite activity e.g. utility poles, fences, pergolas, etc.
Parts List
Full Under Slab Guide
Homeowners Brochure
Pest Managers Brochure
Deemed to Satisfy Certificate