FMC Corporation is one of the world’s foremost diversified chemical companies with leading positions in agricultural, industrial and consumer markets. FMC operates under four main divisions - Agricultural Product Group (APG), Biopolymer, Lithium and Industrial Chemicals. From inception in 1883, FMC has been providing solutions to companies and their customers.
Today, FMC uses an array of advanced technologies in research and development to improve the delivery of medications; enhance foods and beverages; power batteries; protect crop yields, structures and lawns; and advance the manufacture of glass, ceramics, plastics, pulp and paper, textiles and other products.
FMC Australasia Pty Ltd is fully owned subsidiary of FMC Corporation representing the Agricultural Product Group. FMC develops and markets products in the cropping and household pest markets.
FMC currently has the following Professional Products Available for sale to Australian Pest Managers:
Astro Aerosol
Astro Aerosol is a ready to use aerosol formulation containing the synthetic pyrethroid, permethrin. The product is packaged in 330g aerosol canisters and is registered for the residual control of ants, cockroaches, fleas, spiders, and silverfish. Astro Aerosol can be used in commercial, institutional, and industrial premises and has been developed specifically for the pest control industry in Australia.
Biflex AquaMax
Biflex AquaMax is the first Professional Strength, multi-insecticide and termiticide. It is effective on a wide range of common household pests and all termite species in Australia. The unique water based formulation is non-staining, odourless, non-sensitizing and non-allergenic giving user and client comfort without sacrificing efficacy or longevity. Having the highest active ingredient loading of any of the bifenthrin water based formulations (100g/L bifenthrin), Biflex AquaMax is packed with the power to protect at a price you can afford. “One drum does all” - Biflex AquaMax has such a broad spectrum of activity on a variety of pest species the Professional Pest Manager only needs one product to manage nearly all situations. The benefits of this are easy to see. Available in easy pour 5 L pack.
Click here to download a copy of the Biflex AquaMax SDS
Click here to download a copy of the Biflex AquaMax Label
Biflex Ultra-Lo-Odour
Biflex Ultra-Lo-Odour is a cost effective, broad spectrum, long residual, liquid insecticide and termiticide for use as an external treatment of a wide range of pests. The dual action of Biflex Ultra will kill and repel subterranean termites making it ideal for long term pre-construction and post-construction termite control and protection. It's unique EC formulation is non-staining and practically odourless, giving users and clients comfort without sacrificing its efficacy or longevity.
Brigade Granular Insecticide
Brigade Granular Insecticide is a tan, ready to use, sand-based granule specifically designed for the professional pest management industry. The unique formulation technology of Brigade Granular Insecticide ensures perfect flowability. The unique rounded sand grains ensure the product has superior "roll" and will not bridge or stick together, allowing even distribution.
Brigade Granular Insecticide is unscheduled, odourless, non-staining and non-sensitizing, providing a cost effective solution to pest management.
Dragnet Dust
Dragnet Dust is a 2% permethrin, broad-spectrum insecticide dust especially formulated to reach into limited access areas. Containing twice the active ingredient loading of normal dust formulations, Dragnet Dust has an improved super fine formulation giving excellent coverage and spread.
Fury combines the knockdown power of alpha-cypermethrin with the sustained residual qualities of bifenthrin. This combination provides a powerful effect that is not achieved when using the individual active ingredients alone.
Trials of Fury on cockroaches, ants and spiders have shown that Fury is more efficient, with increased mortality, quicker knock down and better residual control than other leading brands in the market. In outdoor situations some of the major brands, including combination products, are providing reduced comparative residual control.
Bifenthrin is not as soluble as some of the other active ingredients currently used, and is harder to wash off. This helps to explain why Fury provides better residual control than some of these other products. Fury is very competitively priced and is registered for use on 11 general household pests in both external and internal situations.
Click here to download a copy of the Fury Label
Click here to download a copy of the Fury SDS
Homeguard Range of Products
There are a number of products in the Homeguard range. A brief description of each is
below. Please contact your local Garrards branch for further information on these products plus assistance in selecting the correct product for your situation.
HomeGuard Blue is a cost effective perimeter barrier. It does not comply with AS2870 so requires a separate DPC to be installed
HomeGuard Collars are the first ever impregnated service penetration collars that simply lock into the slab, even if installed incorrectly. The collars are a unique patented design making them the only rigid penetration collar on the market that will kill and repel termites as well as physically stop their entry into the building.
The collars come in various sizes to fit most penetrations in a home and all comply with the requirements of Australian Standard AS2870
HomeGuard DPC complies with all requirements of Australian Standards AS2870 as an approved 0.5mm Damp Proof Course, so no additional perimeter cavity needs to be installed.
HomeGuard GT is a pro-active, granulated termite barrier. It can be used for a full perimeter in new buildings or in corrective situations.
HomeGuard TMB complies with all requirements of Australian Standard AS2870 so can also double as a 0.2mm high impact moisture barrier.
HomeGuard Termi-Flex A multi purpose sealant impregnated with Biflex - (bifenthrin).