Suspend Flexx Launched by Envu
A new era of formulation technology
Suspend Flexx is a new, innovative general insecticide from Envu containing leading-edge patented Carrier™ technology.

Scientifically-proven to maximise the active ingredient, Deltamethrin, this world-first technology allows the active to be more readily available on surfaces and
enhances the efficacy and residual effectiveness. Suspend Flexx can be used in a multitude of locations such as domestic, commercial, industrial and public buildings and structures, including farm buildings, meatworks and poultry sheds.
enhances the efficacy and residual effectiveness. Suspend Flexx can be used in a multitude of locations such as domestic, commercial, industrial and public buildings and structures, including farm buildings, meatworks and poultry sheds.
Suspend Flexx can be used both indoors and outdoors, and offers flexible application rates and is effective on Ants, Bedbugs, Bird mites, Carpet Beetles, Cockroaches, Clothes moths, Fleas, Litter Beetle, Mosquitoes and Flies, Silverfish, Spiders, Stored Product Pests, Ticks and Stable flies
New class of microcap:
• Not CS (capsule suspension)
• Not ME (micro emulsion encapulation)
• Formulation is a matrix capsule
• Not ME (micro emulsion encapulation)
• Formulation is a matrix capsule
Unique feature, differentiating from other micro caps:
• They are larger with a range of 15-30 μm
• AI is not encapsulated inside but AI is concentrated up on the surface (= carrier concept)
• AI is not encapsulated inside but AI is concentrated up on the surface (= carrier concept)